Comments Posted By Ken Talton
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We need a spirited discussion of how best to protect individual liberties and where we should take the movement after this election.

We need to have that debate after the election.

Part of the reason you have gotten some intemperate comments is because you seem to be doing everything to depress turnout amongst the base. Joining with the cacaphony of Obama inevitability.

Perhaps you think your being realistic. To be sure the odds are against us.
However, a realistic assessment of the odds would have led to surrender at the battles of Fort McHenry, Samar, Farnborough Head, The Lost Batallion in the Argonne Forest or for that matter the Election of 1948.

Fortunately you were not a senior advisor in any of those events.

This is not meant to be petty or mean but to remind you that politics is a team sport.

There is a great need for the sort of thoughtful commentary that your site is known for in the conservative movement. The time for that is prior to the nomination and after the election. McCain Palin is a far from ideal ticket.

However, both of these are infinitely preferable to Obama. If you can't grasp that...there is a problem.

This election may well be closer than you say and the odds are certainly against us. But I'm weary of those on our side giving up and cedeing the election already.

If we loose I far prefer to go out like the fighters at the Alamo than the Goliad...the result was the same in either case but one group is rather better remembered.

Obama may be as you say, just another silly liberal, but if he wins and the Congress is utterly democratic the say hello to the fairness doctrine, goodbye to talk radio and possibly even restrictions on internet politicizing. The Obama campaign has talked openly about revoking FCC liscences and is cutting off TV stations that ask them tough questions.
The Dems will control the horizontal and the vertical and are determined to close the holes that allowed Republicans to take from them the power that lefties consider their birthright by virtue of the march of history.

Add the complicity of the media...which seems to be banking on this as a way to regain market share through legislation.
Add the prospect of ACORN type shenanigans...federally supported...and it becomes clear that if we loose this utterly, coming out of the electoral pit will be a climb up a very long greased rope...and may not be possible.

That is why people are upset with you.

This is a BIG election...too important to piss away on the sort on 'nice to haves' that you and I both largely agree on.
Long and thoughtful discussion is needed after the election...but for now encouragement, determination, inspiration and basically anything but defeatism is what is needed.

We do have a shot, abliet a slim one. Dispair and name calling directed at your teamates this late in the game is a sure path to defeat.

Comment Posted By Ken Talton On 28.10.2008 @ 19:21

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